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English Sentence Correction-All Competitive Exams

Sentence Correction
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Sentence correction is part of all exams whether a competitive test, job test, foreign scholarship, or entrance examination. Students think that it is very difficult to solve sentence corrections. But actually, they are easy if you know what you should know regarding rules and common mistakes that are tested.

We will learn all the rules for sentence correction and will also learn some other variations that are rare but can be asked in competitive exams….And some rules are repeatedly important if we analyze past years’ papers of FPSC. This lecture will highlight the important rules too.

The purpose of sentence correction is to test the correct usage of the English language. Sentence correction is a very important question of  the Précis and Composition paper.

When you see a sentence in an exam you can easily identify it with the rules…It is actually a reverse strategy, if you know all types of mistakes, then you can actually identify which mistake is there…Because if you don’t know a mistake the mistake is hard to visible …

Lectures are now available in small duration videos.